Tying the knot is extremely exciting and an excellent opportunity to bust out your design and event planning skills for an intimate backyard wedding! It might be a little bit more work, but it will be well worth it in the end, especially when you see how happy and satisfied your guests are with your personalized touch! So if your question is, “how do I host a successful backyard spring wedding and reception?” then keep reading because we’ve got the best tips and tricks in town! Pen & Paper Planning The first thing to do is to sit down and think about what theme you want to have, who to invite, and the food you want to serve. It will be the backbone of your wedding and will help you determine what needs to buy. Take note of how many tables and chairs you need to rent as well as how much food needs to be prepared or catered. Prep Your Backyard Make sure your plants and flowers are purchased in time and that your grass is well groomed. Even though your garden will start ...